Heilwood Honor Roll

July 8, 1942 photo from the dedication ceremony of the Heilwood Honor Roll.

July 8, 1942 photo from the dedication ceremony of the Heilwood Honor Roll.

Newspaper account of the dedication of the Heilwood Honor Roll in 1942.

Newspaper account of the dedication of the Heilwood Honor Roll in 1942.

Heilwood Honor Roll in 1942

The Heilwood Honor Roll in 1942.

As a tribute to the men who were serving their country in World War II, the Redlands Coal Company constructed an “Honor Roll” directly across the road from the company mine office building.

The Honor Roll was dedicated at a community-wide service on July 8, 1942. Various coal company officials, local clergy, several bands, and the Heilwood troop of Boy Scouts participated in the dedication service.

During World War II, many men and women from the Heilwood area were called to or volunteered for active service. A comprehensive list is not available, but we do know that during the conflict, four families from Heilwood had 18 sons serving in the Armed Forces – 17 in the Army and one in the Navy. All of these individuals were fortunate to return safely to their families.

However, it must be noted here that the following servicemen lost their lives during the conflict: Joseph Alexander Babiak; Raymond Emphield; Sutton W. Griffith; Dean Henry; George Holuta; William Sanders, Jr; Lorray E. Thornton.